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About me – Mazée Stained Glass Warning: qtranxf_postsFilter(): Argument #2 ($query) must be passed by reference, value given in /home/clients/46a2d7bb9d0db69b55e83593dcb56bf2/web/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324
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About me

My name is Marie-Josée (or Mazée for those English-speakers who found my name too much of a mouthful) and I was introduced to stained glass (Tiffany method) in 2009 when I attended a course in Versoix.  I then continued at home (Crans-près-Céligny) from 2014.  I am now quite “passionate” about it, and as soon as I have a little time I cut, grind, foil and solder my pieces together to assemble creations which come from the heart.  The variety of glass makes each creation unique.  I started making various pieces to learn the art, to improve my technique, and then started making them for family and friends.  And when there was no more space to stock my creations at home, in 2016 I decided to try to sell them at a craft market – and yes, I sold quite a few!

You can see photos of my creations in the photo galleries.  I like integrating various other materials (copper wire, silver wire, stones, agates) and once in a while I “deviate” into wire-wrapping or cement creations, but always come back to my first love, stained glass.  I just can’t resist it!

If you have any questions or if you would simply like to leave a comment, please feel free to send me a message using the form on the “Contact” page or write a comment on the “Guestbook” page.